Year: 2011 Genre: Action,Adventure,Thriller Director: Joe Wright Starring: Saoirse Ronan,Cate Blanchett,Eric Bana Storyline Hanna (Ronan) is a teenage daughters. Uniquely, it has the strength, endurance and intelligence soldiers, they come from being raised by her father (Bana), an ex-CIA man, in the wilds of Finland. Live a life unlike any other young man, his upbringing and training have been one and the same, all with the aim of making it the perfect assassin. The turning point in her adolescence is a sharp one, sent into the world his father on a business trip, Anna watched travel throughout Europe while the membrane agents sent after her ruthless operator with the secrets of his intelligence (Ms. Blanchett). As it approaches its goal, in the end, Anne is faced with surprising discoveries about her existence and unexpected questions about her humanity. Author: Focus Features
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